Jarrahmond Landcare Group
What we do
Jarrahmond Landcare Group consists mainly of farming families, with some rural and town dwellers and some absentee landholders.
Our motto is… “working for a better environment”
Preserving the aesthetic qualities of Jarrahmond and supporting its agricultural viability are both important goals for us. We have a strong sense of community and a keen appreciation of Jarrahmond’s history.
Jarrahmond Landcare Group supports the farming community by valuing projects that promote sustainable farming practices, enhance biodiversity and provide exposure to innovation. Soil and water quality, pest plants and animals, revegetation and environmental rehabilitation are all focal points. We provide both a social and a support network for our members and are supportive of working in partnerships for community outcomes.
Our projects
Gunns Creek Restoration, Stages 1 and 2 completed 2001 – CMA
Linkages Revegetation Project – ongoing
Award Received: State Protection of the Environment Award for the Linkages Revegetation Project. Keep Australia Beautiful Awards, 2009
Birds of Jarrahmond bird brochure and bookmark, 2008 – Linkages Revegetation Project, Envirofund.
Birds of Jarrahmond, revised publication, 2016
Barn Owl box installation – 2016
B Road Avenue of Honour Memorial Project, dedicated 2014 – DVA Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program
B Road, Avenue of Honour: installation of story boards and reflective seat – EGSC Heritage Grant 2018
Birds on Farms survey 2018-ongoing – Birdlife Victoria
Where are we?
Jarrahmond is an agricultural area of approximately 4,800 hectares consisting of deep fertile river flats with adjacent hill country. It is defined by the Snowy River, the Orbost State Forest, Orbost township and the Bonang Road.
Our committee
President - Bronwyn Llewellyn
Secretary - Kevin Jarman
Treasurer - Cindy Robinson
iNaturalist and the creation of the Jarrahmond Lacanastar
This informative and entertaining video, created by Vik Dunis of the Jarrahmond Landcare group, demonstrates how easy it is to use the iNaturalist App and shows how the Lacanastar (Landcare Nature Study Area) concept was created