Our People
The committee of the Far East Victoria Landcare (FEVL) network is responsible for the strategic direction and performance of the organisation. Each member group is eligible to provide up to three representatives to the FEVL Committee of Management, which is supported by a small team of staff based in Orbost.
Since its formation, FEVL has been successful in:
Securing funding to maintain the employment of Landcare support staff
Leveraging investment for the region, including resourcing on-ground works
Advocating for the needs of the far east Gippsland community
Increasing access to a broad spectrum of information and expertise
Providing leadership and innovative approaches to supporting practice change.
FEVL Chair - Dawn Parker
FEVL Treasurer - Julie Saunders
FEVL Secretary - Kevin Jarman
Our Committee
Dawn Parker
Representative of Snowy West Landcare Group
Why I joined Landcare?
I joined Landcare looking for improved ways of managing a farm business, especially the land and water resources. The grassroots, local and volunteer character of Landcare appealed to me, and so did the opportunity to connect with others to find and share resources and ideas. Getting a group together is an excellent opportunity to strengthen community interaction and achievement as people share effort, knowledge and experiences, supported by essential help from a local facilitator.
Julie Saunders
Representative of Wairewa and District Landcare Group
Why I joined Landcare?
Having grown up in the bush, I believe conserving our natural environment should be the top priority for anyone who wants to ensure our diverse flora and fauna is available for future generations to experience. I joined Landcare because it has always supported farmers and communities to restore degraded areas and to assist all of us in understanding how to adapt our land use to match Australia’s unique land better.
Stephen Henry
Representative of Marlo Landcare Group
Why I joined Landcare?
I want to contribute to the protection and restoration of the natural environments around Marlo and the Snowy River Estuary.
Vanessa Ingram Daniel
Representative of Marlo Landcare Group
Why I joined Landcare?
I became involved with Landcare as I could see that Landcare would bring farming families together, farmers could be challenged with new ideas, and more people could be involved across our community.
Farming can be isolating, but if groups get together with a common interest, we can achieve great success.
Annie Kentwell
Kerry Seaton
Representative of Goongerah Landcare Group
Kevin Jarman
Representative of Jarrahmond Landcare Group Inc.
Why I joined Landcare?
As a new arrival in 2021, I visited the Orbost office to find out more about Landcare and the local area...and left with a bag of fabulous information, a smile on my face and a membership form! It soon became apparent that I had joined a group of friendly, welcoming people who are passionate about the region, the environment, farming and learning new ways to care for the land and its wildlife. It's great to be part of such a dedicated grassroots organisation.
Maria Cardoso
Representative of Snowy West Landcare Group
Why I joined Landcare
I have always been passionate about Sustainability and the Environment. At Landcare, I am surrounded by like-minded and committed individuals who all want to make a significant contribution to biodiversity conservation on private and public land. It is very uplifting and inspirational to be part of such an amazing Landcare community!
Yuka Masamune
Representative of Snowy West Landcare Group
Why I joined Landcare
Having lived in big cities my whole life, the decision to relocate to Orbost was the best move my family has made. I joined Landcare to do my bit to give back to this amazing, beautiful, wild place (I also love planting). And what a wonderful bunch of people I have met through Landcare! I feel very lucky to learn from the wealth of knowledge of the members.
Nigel Royce
Representative of Marlo Landcare Group
Why I joined Landcare
I really enjoy living in Marlo, I love all aspects of its coastal and bush environment. I joined Landcare to give something back to the environment that gives me so much enjoyment and pleasure
Neil Joiner
Representative of Cann River Landcare Group
Our Staff
Josh Puglisi
Far East Victoria Landcare Facilitator
Landcare is brilliantly varied, but the one commonality I’ve noticed is the passion and drive of all its people. The opportunity to assist our community in Landcare projects is a privilege.
My background in East Gippsland started in my youth, as I have strong memories of holidaying every year, on the beaches, lakes, and forest near Mallacoota. One of my first adult jobs was volunteering in Croajingalong National Park (on and off for 14 years). I studied Resource Management at Dookie College (Shepparton) but returned to Marlo to take up a ‘Waterwatch’ Facilitator role in 1998. My wife, Carla, and I (later family of two kids) spent over 18 years managing Cape Conran Cabin and Camping, and so my roots have settled deep in East Gippsland. I’ve spent the past 2-3 years working as a Biodiversity Field Officer and a Fire Tower Lookout Officer.
Emma Orgill
Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator
I was employed as the East Gippsland Regional Landcare Facilitator by FEVL in 2011. In 2018, agriculture was added to my title and I became the East Gippsland Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator.
I am passionate about the environment, conservation, and local communities. Work takes me across East Gippsland and I love meeting enthusiastic locals and visiting different natural environments. Working with farmers is extremely rewarding and I find their passion for both the land and their animals/crops/plants inspiring.
Finally, Landcare makes the effort to work with others. This can be very challenging, but it makes a massive difference when trying to implement change. Other organisations could learn from the Landcare model. I believe my role in Landcare can make a difference.